
12 tips to improve your Amazon positioning

Having good positioning on Amazon is a daily concern given the fierce competition in it. Because despite the continuous growth of DTC ecommerce, Amazon remains the biggest marketplace worldwide.

Whether you are a seller or a vendor, being on the first results page is what makes the difference. So, in this post, we will go over the most important actions to increase – or maintain – your Amazon positioning, and thus increase your sales.

With more than 100 Amazon listings made for companies of all sizes, at Content2Sell we are ready to share 12 tips to improve your Amazon positioning.

How to improve your Amazon positioning?

Keywords: where it all begins

Choosing the right keywords determines the positioning of Amazon listings.

Keywords are really important for two reasons. For the buyer in the first place, because the keyword market is a bidding one depending on search intent. Secondly, sellers, who need to choose the best ones by finding the balance between their relevance and their cost.

The chosen keywords are to be used in different areas of a listing: descriptions, titles, ratings… This is why it is so important to carry out the proper research beforehand, using tools like Junglescout.

1. Title

The title is the most important element on Amazon: not only is it the first thing users see, but also the one that most affect your Amazon SEO. The best-performing title for a product has to do with how potential customers run their queries.

That said, known brands may include their name in the title, while newborn brands should focus on the product’s brief description.

2. Features

As important as the title is to include the chosen keywords in the product’s description, so its features can be understood at a glance.

Spotting how potential consumers search for a product will help you take advantage of the 200-character limit for each feature attribute by using secondary keywords and poking their pain points.

3. Description

Many sellers focus on the title and features only, disregarding the product description. And that is a very frequent mistake on Amazon for a number of reasons:

  • Keywords (and their even distribution) help products appear in search results.
  • Keywords help users learn more about the product.
  • Amazon favors the positioning of products with a description

4. Images & video

Your main product image is vital to your Amazon CTR. But every image matters and that goes from following their guidelines to not making the common mistakes in product photography when it comes to quality, dimensions, and proportions.

For example, Amazon favors listings with a white-background image, and the positioning of listings not complying with that policy will be relegated to the depths of the search results.
Videos are also highly valued by consumers, who get a clear product explanation in a minute, sometimes just enough to make a purchase decision.

5. Product categories

Amazon has a huge list of product categories. Choosing the right category is essential for your Amazon SEO. Some categories have tons of competitors, and many products fall into other categories which may be worth focusing on.

6. Sales ranking

When users compare the products in search results, filters play a key role in displaying one or another listing. Thus, top-selling products are more likely to be seen, clicked on, and become a sale. And as a result, to have greater visibility.

As obvious as it may sound, climbing in this ranking requires selling. The way is paid advertising and promotion, and there is a specific time for it.

7. Amazon logistics

It is no secret that Amazon prioritizes products using their logistics – specifically the FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) modality. And if that weren’t enough, Amazon also applies strict penalties to the slightest breach affecting customer satisfaction, like delivery times or stock availability.

The logistic side of your business is key to your success and directly affects your Amazon positioning. Make sure you always have sufficient stock, make the proper estimations and, to avoid surprises, consider shifting to the FBA model so Amazon takes care of everything.

8. Buy Box

According to Forbes, 83% of Amazon purchases in 2019 happened from the Buy Box: a visible button under the “Add to cart” one, that allows to instantly complete a purchase. Eligibility for the Buy Box is based on several factors including being an Amazon Seller Central paying member, as well as good performance in terms of price, fulfillment, and seller rating.

9. A competitive price

Amazon is all about effective sales and logistics optimization and doesn’t care much about the products themselves. After all, poor quality products affect mainly their sellers. The minute they become a problem to the marketplace itself, or they affect the service quality perception, the listing may be taken down or the seller banned.

For that reason, Amazon will always prioritize products with competitive prices. In fact, when several sellers sell the same product the one with the lowest price will appear first.

10. Impeccable seller performance

As mentioned above, Amazon is “merely” a marketplace and “only” provides the tools for a seller to sell products to a buyer. But it does impose conditions regarding communication and good practice. Good performance as a seller will directly contribute to a better position on search results.

11. Good reviews

Ratings are crucial to a good Amazon positioning: not only those with a higher – and better – rating will be displayed first, but also the reviews posted by users themselves contribute to the ranking.

In a nutshell

Having good Amazon positioning isn’t just about finding the right keywords and throwing your product out to the fierce competition of the marketplace. Instead, it’s about understanding the multiple factors that the algorithm considers to determine whether you are likely to provide Amazon with more sales. And from the product’s quality to your logistic planning and customer service, everything counts. But foremost, high-quality content is the cornerstone for a listing to perform, catch attention, get clicks, visits, and ultimately, sales. And that’s exactly what we do!

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