
Make the most of product videos for ecommerce

This is not our first post on product videos. In fact, we couldn’t insist more on their key role in driving online sales. But there are different types of product videos, and there’s a time and a place for each.

Still, many companies choose not to outsource their product content creation, and end up skipping some basics. Since we moved to our new studio, more than 100 startups and small businesses have discovered the power of video content. So, we thought we should brief the impact they have on product sales. And to make it worth reading, we will top it up with some expert tips on how to make the most of video content.

The benefits of using product videos in ecommerce

Visual as we are, videos provide a dynamic and immersive way to engage with potential customers. According to PEW research, videos can increase the time spent on a product page by up to 88%. This is simply because product videos allow buyers to get clear, quick, and concise information about a product’s features, benefits, and use. And that ultimately makes them likelier to purchase. And not only that: it also helps increase engagement, traffic, conversions, and ultimately boosts your revenue.

A higher conversion rate

Video content has a direct impact on conversion. Stats reveal that including videos on product pages can increase conversions by up to 80%. Videos offer a detailed and interactive showcase of the product, allowing customers to see its value and build trust in its quality.

As we explained in our post about using psychology in product content, getting a better understanding and – more importantly – emotional connection can be the final push to purchase.

Users love product videos for ecommerce
Product videos for ecommerce are VERY profitable

More sales, more revenue

More conversions lead to more sales – unless the checkout process is unclear or complicated. Furthermore, different studies show that product videos can contribute to a 64% – 87% increase in purchasing intent. Again, product videos provide a comprehensive representation of the product, hence more confidence, and less hesitation.
And that translates into higher customer satisfaction, returning customers, and a stronger brand reputation.

Better SEO, visibility, and organic traffic

Search engines, including Google, prioritize video content in search results given their high engagement. Thus, websites with videos are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of search results (Brightedge). Just make sure to optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords – an absolute MUST when optimizing your product content’s SEO.

That’s a great way to improve your organic visibility in search results, thus driving more traffic to your product pages, and subsequently, increasing your sales.

Product explainers and how-to videos

One of the most effective ways to use videos is in demonstrations and product explainers.
Not only do they allow potential buyers to see the product in action, understand its functionality, and visualize themselves using it. Using product demonstration videos can increase purchase intent by 80% (Unbounce). And that is because they allow showcasing a product’s key features in a way that resonates with the most common user concerns.

By providing detailed information and answering questions before they even arise you can build trust, inspire confidence, and remove any barriers to making a purchase.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) has become a central element for ecommerce. Unboxing videos, testimonials, and product reviews can significantly impact purchasing decisions or, at the very least, provide relatable experiences. Forbes states that consumers trust UGC more than traditional advertising.

The best way to take advantage of User-Generated Content is by encouraging customers to share their experiences and opinions through video testimonials or unboxing videos. This will not only provide social proof. It also creates a sense of authenticity and builds a community around brands on Social Media.

Optimizing video length and quality

As mentioned above, there is an ideal video length and quality for each type of video.
In general, the optimal video length for ecommerce product presentation videos is around 1-2 minutes. However, this may vary depending on factors such as the product’s complexity and the target audience.

With the rise of Instagram and TikTok, short videos have become a cost-effective way to promote a product and explain its features in bite-size pieces.

The number of free tools and filters to edit and embellish videos has democratized them. Today, anyone with a phone can shoot, edit, and instantly post videos on social media. Moreover, phone videos have a casual tone that is highly appreciated by consumers seeking genuine and transparent brands.

The quality of your videos reflects how much you care for your brand and product. So, make sure to shoot them in the highest possible quality, with crisp audio, and avoid sudden moves.

Where to use videos?

Making product videos for ecommerce is one thing; using them properly is another one that calls for strategic thinking, to maximize their impact. Here are some tips:

Product pages

Every product needs a video. And Landing pages are the first interaction between brands and users looking for solutions, so every product page will too.
Preferably above the fold and close to the product description so no scrolling is needed, and all the information can be seen at a glance.


Homepages are great for videos of top-selling or new products, and most themes and templates make it very easy to add them. Nevertheless, using more than one can have a negative effect, because they are often played automatically. This is especially useful for companies with large catalogs, as they motivate users to explore further, and in brand awareness campaigns where discovery needs a powerful hook.

Category pages

Including videos on category pages also helps to provide an overview of the products in it. This allows customers to quickly assess the number of options and make informed decisions.

Social Media

Although you can post any product video on Social Media, there are specific videos for Social Media campaigns: short 30-second clips with a compelling value proposition that stop people from scrolling – thank you, targeted ads.

While YouTube is a great place for them, promotion on social media often requires a business account, like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok for business do. But the outcome is by no means negligible: more reach, a wider audience, and higher traffic.

Email marketing

Few small businesses use email marketing beyond occasional newsletters, despite its relatively high ROI. Furthermore, users are often reluctant to even open promotional emails unless they get something in return. And by “something in return” we mean discounts or content they are genuinely interested in. Still, including video thumbnails or GIFs in emails increases the Open and Click-Through rates, because they capture attention, deliver your message effectively, and encourage readers to take action.

Product videos for ecommerce are essential in email marketing.

Since you got down here, a couple of PRO tips

  • ALWAYS include a CTA in your videos. Preferably at the very end, unless there’s a strategic purpose.
  • Try different lengths to have more usable options you can even edit afterward.
  • Write a script before shooting your videos. Otherwise, you will find yourself with extra edition work or, what’s worse, shooting twice.
  • Think big. Every clip can be reused elsewhere (unless it’s a very specific promotion) in different places and at different times.


Video has become a game-changer in ecommerce, as it drives engagement, conversions, and sales. There is no doubt about the fact that including videos in your product content strategy is essential for staying competitive in marketplaces. And while most phones can do an awesome job, it is a good idea to leave them to professionals for optimal results. In fact, product videos are among our most required services.

After almost 4 years of complete dedication to product content for ecommerce, at Content2Sell we have learned each and every little thing to make them a powerful sales asset, now used by more than 100 online businesses. Just like yours.

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